Terms of Use: 1. Functionality: The command must be functional and capable of performing its intended task. The user agrees that their command will be designed to properly execute the required function and will not cause problems in the system or on the site. 2. Truthfulness: The command must contain truthful and relevant information. The user is responsible for ensuring that all submitted data is accurate and in accordance with current conditions. 3. Legality and Ethics: The command must not violate any applicable laws, rules, or ethical standards. Commands that could harm or jeopardize the security, integrity, or availability of the website or system are prohibited. 4. Responsibility for Errors: The user is responsible for any errors or issues that may arise due to incorrect or incomplete commands. The user agrees to promptly correct any errors and report them to the administrator if required. 5. Approval and Authorization: Commands will be subject to approval by the relevant administrator or system manager before use. Commands that do not meet the requirements or standards may be rejected or modified. 6. Host Liability: As the host of the website, I am not responsible for any consequences resulting from the use of commands entered on this site. Any harmful, illegal, or unethical actions performed through commands on this site are solely the user's responsibility. Additionally, I am not liable for any failure to adhere to the terms by users.